Revitalizing an Aging Shopify Theme

Improving User Experience and Increasing Conversions Through Data-Driven Design


Atlanta Vinyl


Web Development and Design, Conversion Rate Optimization





Sales Revenue Increase

12% monthly (6X ROI after 3 months)

Conversion Rate Increase


Project Overview

Atlanta Vinyl, a prominent vinyl product retailer, recognized the need to update and optimize their online store for improved conversions. The site, originally built three years ago using a template, required a significant overhaul to better meet the demands of both new and returning customers. The primary goals were to enhance the user experience by modernizing the site aesthetic and improving product navigation to boost engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

What We Found

After thoroughly analyzing user behavior on the site through Shopify Analytics and GoogleAnalytics, we identified pressing issues in the buyer funnel:

  • High bounce rate and low engagement from the homepage
  • Low search conversion and conversion rate from key collection pages

Addressing and resolving these gaps in the user experience was determined to produce the greatest positive impact on user engagement and revenue. Other important findings from our analysis included:

  • 70% of traffic is mobile
  • 80% of sessions passed through three specific collection pages

Our strategy was therefore mobile-first and focused on design optimizations to high-traffic pages – the homepage and popular collection pages that account for most of the revenue.

Project Execution

Home Page Overhaul: Redesigned the homepage to reflect a modern Shopify experience:

  • Removed headers and repositioned benefits above the product layout.
  • Introduced an attention-grabbing hero image with compelling copy.
  • Implemented a more prominent search bar for easier navigation.
  • Combined category options to reduce clutter and enhance userexperience.
  • Introduced four large image blocks leading to key category pages.
  • Enhanced the design for product cards and layout.

High Impact Collection Pages: Identified and updated all collection pages using the same templates:

  • Simplified product cards to include only high-quality images, titles, pricing,and an add-to-cart button.
  • Overhauled filter functionality and display to improve the mobile userexperience.
  • Focused on key pages such as Heat Transfers, DTF Transfers, andCustom DTF Transfers.

Project Results

After 90 days of implementation, we observed the following improvements in engagement and conversion metrics for Atlanta Vinyl:

  • Bounce Rate: 9.61% (-18.6% from previous period)
  • Average Session Duration: 203 seconds (+6.3%)
  • Page Views per Session: 7.92 (+19.5%)
  • Conversion Rate: 4.25% (+15%)

Monthly Sales Lift and ROI

+12% boost to monthly sales, returning 6X original investment after 90 days.


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